Mindless Babbel From a Mindfull Artist....
Web ID.
Published on January 5, 2004 By Does it matter In Internet
When Choosing a screen name or an e-mail address we are chosing an ID that will say something about us to those whom we send mail, chat, or even in blogging. When looking at screen names I cannot tell you the numerous times I have seen "69" & "666" thrown into a mix of characters.

Often I have recieved e-mails from people that have changed to a new account where they have incoroperated those digits. Naturally I delete it, because I have no clue who it is from. Honestly, if sending a professional e-mail with an account such as that, would you feel secure with your response back?

Gandering online I came across at site which said:
"The Top 500 AOL Screen Names. ...... 14. Tubby Biotch. 13. FriendofSatan666. 12. Hitler.
11. 2ManyXXX References. These top 10 screen names demand your respect."

Do these screen names REALLY deserve my respect?

I will admit taking pride in my screen names. They all have meaning to what I am about.

AOL: "That Karen Again" meaning: An ex's/ still close friend father didn't care for me too much. Whenever he would come and see me his father would say: "Are you going to see That Karen Again". So the screen name is an inside joke.

Old account- "swimpsycho39" meaning: It was my high school number in swimming. Also teammates claimed I was "psycho" for getting up at 4:30 AM to swim.... hence the name "swimpsycho".

Recent- "claystrung" meaning: I work with clay and the medium itself "strings" (leads) me along through life.

So what does your Screen Name(s) tell about you?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 06, 2004

I am a Sherlockian. I love the character, the setting, the mood of knowledge for its own sake and the need to root out 'why' bad things happen instead of being fixated on the horror of them. I am terminally depressed, self abusive, reclusive, and a general pain in the ass to people who know me, but they tend to tolerate me for some reason. When I was younger I chose Mycroft as a nick but it was always taken and later I found it pretentious to associate myself with 'intelligence'. Calling myself 'Sherlock' or some such would associate my own intelligence or skills with the character, again pretentious. I am satisfied to just live on the same street.

jaberwocky: Good call, I wouldn't associate myself with the word 'snatch' in any form on the internet, . At the very least you save people googling you a lot of grief, lol.
on Mar 06, 2004
Messy Buu - Old name used to be Messiah WWKD, but peopole would call me Messy. Buu is from Dragon Ball Z.
Super Baby - From Dragon Ball GT.
on Mar 06, 2004
yeah....um...that's pretty say baby

on Mar 06, 2004
but if someone guessed it, I'd admit they were right... but no one ever will, so don't even try!

someone admitting someone else was right on joeuser.com? i can't imagine it. (btw you mentioned your secret on some other article you posted )
on Mar 06, 2004
Imagine it? Tha'ts it? For real? .....let us know....

on Mar 06, 2004
well this one is kind of obvious......ive always been my poppy's little princess...but there are times when i feel broken.....and also i was inspired by the movie "brokedown palace".
and my other one-my email- is pheonix_fire13...this one is more complex....13 is my lucky number...and i love friday the 13th-i have awesome days on those. i know it i spelled it wrong....but the other way was taken....and when i astral project my spirit takes the shape of a phoenix....and that is also the name of my cat.....
on Mar 06, 2004
and knight7mare.....i loooove the name. we seem to be well-matched. if you have the hero complex, i most definately have the princess one..... im me sometime... AIM: brokedownprncess
on Mar 06, 2004
BROKEDOWN PALACE IZ AN AWESOME MOVIE!! It haunted me....that's always a good sign...

on Mar 07, 2004
my name is an acronym... the fact that it sounds like "imagine" as in 'imagine that' is just a convenience that i enjoy as a result of coming up with a unique handle...


just imajinit
on Mar 07, 2004
yeah....um...that's pretty say baby

How so?
on Mar 07, 2004
NickyG- To really use the name correctly it's got a bit of street thang to it, as in: Yo yo NickyG, word up.

It's funny because it refers to the patter that goes on in my B-ball team lingo. And that I'm definitely not street at all, and that it cracks me up when other people out of basketball use it, too. Word on the street is that I'm one mean girl on the court.

stopsonadime is a name that I use in email and on another journal site designed for quickie personal blogs. Unlike Joeuser, I have yet to have a single response, but it's not surprising... that site is huge. Plus the fact that I don't interact on it at all. The name comes from a moment when I was in the middle of a long conversation during a foggy car ride home. My friend and I were debating the ethnic ethics of Dances With Wolves, and in particular, the receiving of Indian names. We were travelling at a pretty high speed on a lonely deserted road. Had to slam on the brakes suddenly... and we all know where it goes from there.....
on Mar 08, 2004
Well, much like Dan and Brad, my name is just my name. I was hoping I could be the first one to explain that, but winter break means I don't have as much time to sit around as usual. Oxymoronic, yes, it is.

In addition, my AIM screen names beldenben and beldenben1 are also great examples of how creative I can be. Actually, my dad came up with it when he was giving accounts to everyone in my family which really made for some laughs when my mom would warn me about giving strangers on the Internet my real name. Now this thread has gotten me to thinking, I've never actually tried my hand at coming up with an original screen name and I doubt I would be able to master it on at least my first seven tries.

Finally, I read an article once about cleaning up your buddy list and it said to just delete anyone whose screen name ends in numbers because that obviously means that they weren't creative enough to come up with something original. But, in general, those numbers are more often than not a birthday, another significant date, a number in sports, etc. so you really can tell a lot about someone in just 10 or so characters.
on Mar 08, 2004
yeah....um...that's pretty say baby

You dont know what you are talking about Trin.... Dragon Ball Z is the absolute shiznit. The characters a ever so righteous, and its a really entertaining show!

No more knocking DBZ!!!!

on Mar 09, 2004
I'm definitely rating that as insightful.

Super Saiyan 4 is the End of Evolution!
on Mar 09, 2004
Ummm, yeah, your right. I'M the loser....

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