If you haven't read Peggy McIntosh's "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" I highly suggest it (Link Below). To understand what race means or its implications, most are pretty much oblivious to it. Race, to a young child, usually means gathering a group of children together and running on foot. When the word becomes more familiar, in the “adult” context, eyebrows begin to rise at the thought of being called Racist. In "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" McInt...
*This is strictly based upon personal experience from teaching/tutoring at various institutions/classrooms for those with Learning Disabilities and Mental Handicaps. Through these and personal experiences, I have always tried to find a way to explain to others the easiest method possible. This is my Philosophy to better assist those with a Learning Disability. ~ K.Hobbs Teaching strategies for assisting students with Learning Disabilities is a topic, which a personal interest ha...
The best kind of plot is tragic according to Aristotle, in that it provides the best option of delivering tragic pleasure. In his Poetics he states two different plot types: simple and complex. Aristotle says the complex plot has two other features that go along with it: reversal and recognition. It is these, which set up, and in that provides the best possibility for finding pleasure in tragedy. Here is a definition of Aristotle’s complex action: ‘A complex action is one where the change i...
How can one mistake an artwork for a real object? Asking how one can mistake Rauschenberg’s beds for real one, instead of artworks, is equivalent to asking what makes them artworks? The same question can be posed when discussing Warhol’s Brillo Boxes. If a certain theory makes a difference between a Brillo Box and a work of art containing one, then to Danto, Warhol’s piece is Art. But according to Tolstoy’s Three Conditions, which govern how infectious art will be, and the absence of any con...
The Transcendentalists seem to be understoood in one sense, and that is by their background, in other words what they were rebelling against. What they saw as the current situation is what they were trying to be different from. I suppose once was to look at the Transcendentalists is to see them as a group of well-eductaed people who lived in the decades well before the Civil War. Also another thing to consider would be the national division that it both reflected and helped to create. Thes...
*Lights Smoke* Ahh at the beginning of every year I suppose it is a tradition/ ritual to look up what Astrologers have predicted for the up and coming year. Wheather it would be on a personal basis or the world in general. As a Libra it looks as if it is going to be a struggling year (as if anything has changed). But what about the world's situation? According to Ed Tamplin (http://www.edtamplin.com/StopPress.html) In 2004 the United States re-enters a cycle that has inevitably bro...