Mindless Babbel From a Mindfull Artist....
A repeated pattern of male likeness?
Published on January 4, 2004 By Does it matter In Personal Relationships
Since I am somewhat (call it what you will) getting involved with someone, I have been thinking about the type of guys I usually go for. I hate to compare, but sometimes I find myself dating guys similar to the previous one. A wise person told me... when in doubt make a list. Soooooo..................... Here's an inventory of traits the men I have dated/interested in carried:

- Obsessed with a computer: Usually for artistic purposes: writing, digital imaging, etc.

-Would be excited about getting a camcorder for X-mas, because now they can "make documentaries of all the weirdos".

-A sporting event for them would be performing in a band playing either the drums or bagpipes.

-Clothes: if it is black its good.

-I say:"Sweetie I'll have a Gin and Tonic" He'll reply: "I got you a beer.. none of that American Piss."

-Gets excited when talking about: Lord of the Rings, Anime, 3D imaging, Family Guy or music theory.

- Good taste in coffee

-Wants to cook

-1/2 smoked... the others did on occasion, usually cigars.

-Devoted to thier work, just as much as I am.

-When they said: "I have a surprise." Usually I was dumbfounded.

-All a unique, twisted, sense of humor.

-Neverminded long road-trips.

So, if the majority was like that.... why am I still single? Maybe I keep testing the same flavor, hoping it will be different. I am a nerd so... I have been told... take a look at the URL reference below....

One thing is clear my flavor of choice is Geek. So in that case: I'll have one more scoop of Geek with a side of Nerd.

on Jan 05, 2004
You posted this just to get points didnt you?
on Jan 05, 2004
Touche! You replied to get points, did you not?

LOL... actually I was bored. Besides I would have written it in my journal anyways.
on Jan 05, 2004
Well your pretty and have quite a few holes/piercings ~smiles~ Try dating a guy who snowboards, loves oral sex and pushes his limits too the very edge ~grins~ It worked for my wife ~snickers~
on Jan 05, 2004
LMFAO! Mmm.. if you say so
on Jan 06, 2004
I was browsing the website today (I'm a new member) and ran across your article. Without casting aspersions, I can only tell you of a quote from Albert Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results" NOT that I'm suggesting anything here, but it just reminded me of the quote. Take it any way you want to - my motives are sincere. By the way, I only have one of the traits you mentioned - twisted sense of humor- which I consider beneficial because it helps me get past people/incidents/objects that frustrate me. With a name like mine, you have to devleop a sense of humor. At any rate, I'm hoping my "blog" experience is fun and fruitful. Otherwise, I'd have to unleash my sense of humor...