Mindless Babbel From a Mindfull Artist....
So why not the Music in my studio?
Published on January 1, 2004 By Does it matter In Blogging
10:22 PM--
...Ok, so I am not done yet, but I suppose this subject doesn't fit in the other "Rant".
Why the odd title?
I call, invite for New Years, leave a message, but alas... no call. I figure that my cell phone is out of range... I am in Chicago and thought I would be heading back to Bowling Green for a celebration, but I was wrong. That's alright though it was cool staying here. I the long run the message was made clear... not interested.
Thanks for trying Manders... he seems great and yes we are very much alike. Who else would give me a high-five and a cheer for liking Journey and Styx.
*Holds head up with Pride*
Damnit I do like Journey and Styx.... well "Lady"... ummmm... let's just say... nice try .

Just in case...
Matt if you happen to stumble upon this..... Yeah, I am interested.
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