Mindless Babbel From a Mindfull Artist....
New Year, Good Riddance, Public Expression
Published on January 1, 2004 By Does it matter In Welcome
9:35 PM 01/01/04 ----

I suppose this is time to begin what I would call "Public Expression".... well at least in text. Sure I am an artist ( or I think I am... 4 years of school, a life long devotion would properly allow me this title), and I suppose the idea of Public Expression would be beneficial to my career at least in the visual sense.

*Ponders* I always thought these "blogs", online journals, or whatever one may call them were a waste of time. Especially after reading my ex's, pro-longed bitching and self-ego-boosting journal. In the end, after reading the damn thing I suppose it satisfied my curiousity to how he was doing in the long-run. Thus, giving me reassurence why I ended the relationship 2 years ago *Drops to knees, waves hands: "My God I have seen the light"* Not that he is a bad guy or anything, he's actually quite sweet.... but not for me. Have a peek yourself: http://www.toomuchmetal666.easyjournal.com

*lights Cigarette*
Yes, I am a smoker... nasty habit... *sigh* everyone has their vices.

I have a little over a week until my last semester in College begins. I admit I am excited but scared in some ways (natural). Well I am in excited in the fact I am planning to head to Italy (Florence) in the fall. Scared in a way, knowing something is going to prevent me from going. If I don't go... then what? What the fuck am I going to do with a degree in 3D studies (Ceramics/Sculpture)? Either way I will be continuing my education in Art... but I am not sure if it is going to be in Ceramics/Sculpture. I am aiming for Printmaking... something I should have done in the first place. Hence why I want to go to Italy.

*Rant begins*
There is always some asshole that wants to kill your pride in being what you are. In my case an Artist. John Balistreri this is for you: Here's a spoon.... Eat my ass!
Yes, you called me a "Crappy Artist". I take into consideration this is one man's opinion. A man who has, in a sense, his own demons. You have thrown out my work, treated it like crap, and called me something that every visual/ performing artist hears once (hopefully) in their career.
Sure I HAD respect at one point, but never a like towards him. So I now have to "Cooroperate and Graduate". Once I am done in May 2004 with my BFA, I am done with him. I know there are better opportunities for me, and I hope he doesn't need me for anything in the future.
"Becareful of whose toes you step on in the ladder of life going up. Because you never know whose hand you need when coming down."

I suppose I should take my own advice in this case, because he is my advisor. Oh, who gives a crap... he already denied me a recommendation.
Hence... why I call this Blog: Le Artist Crappie

on Jan 03, 2004
Should I give John the spoon you gave me? Geez, a bit bitter.... how do you really feel?
on Jan 03, 2004
That spoon I dubbed to you so you can use. He is not worthy of such fine silver.
on Jan 04, 2004
Professors are notorious for sending out negative vibes--so "transcend" his crap.
on Jan 05, 2004
While I do that I can also "transcend" him my finger of enlightenment.
on Jan 05, 2004
LMAO, or you can perhaps "transcend" your foot up his ass.
on Jan 05, 2004
Now we must not physically hurt the person. Although there would be great pleasure in doing that course of action. Sorry but I cannot.